On Friday 02 September 2022, at the Brussels airport, our Chairman, Bart Verheyen and Country Representative for BE and LUX, Ms. Bernadette van Lidth, introduced to the Brussels Airport business community the advantages of the Asia Collective. This Collective is a cooperation between 15 Belgian Chambers in Asia. Thank you Mr. Eddy De Cuyper, Belgian Customs Attaché SE Asia for hosting us at the ‘Belgian Customs & Partners in your logistic chain in SE Asia: What can we do for you?’ even
Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce, BeluxCham Malaysia, Belgian Vietnamese Alliance / Liên Minh Bỉ Việt – Chamber of Commerce, Belgium-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong BLCC HKThe Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BLCCJ)BKBF – Belgian Social and Business Society in KoreaEuroCham MyanmarEuroCham CambodiaBenelux Chamber of Commerce in ChinaBLCC Singapore